Monday 3 October 2011

Pirates of the Caribbean marketing

Step 1: It was first announced that it would be done at a convention for Disney, it was announced by Johnny Depp who was in full costume and the creator, this was a good idea because lots of people were there so it would instantly get the recognition of the film worldwide, it was also announced infront of the press so that helped also.
Step 2: They then created a small trailer, and posted it online, they posted it on youtube and their own website which would keep their followers posted on.
Step 3: The star actors were announced.
Step 4: The star actors could broadcast about the film on their own twitter blogs.
Step 5: The actors were interviewed on tv shows such as GMTV.
Step 6: The main trailer was created, showing what the film is going to be like and some bits which would draw people to see it, they put it on tv and in the trailers for films.
Step 7: they had billboards printed and it was on the side of buses, posters etc…
Step 8: Then there was the premier which was the first showing, and this happened in two countries USA and UK.

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