Tuesday 6 December 2011

Film 4

Film 4

Monday 5 December 2011

Editing Paragraph, my one.

The idea that there is no equilibrium allows for you to interpret the fact that he is un-happy, The equilibrium comes from Todorovs theory and this is challenging his theory, this is supported by the editing in the work out session, it is short takes, and compressed time, which provide us with a montage and this suggests that he is un-happy with it, it shows us how he is dis-interested with what he is doing, through the fact that it makes it happen faster, suggesting that he wants it to end, and this supports the stereotype of teenagers being lazy, how-ever it also challenges that of them being happy and partying all the time.

Editing Paragraph Example

Parallel editing is used to show that the boy and girl are related and have a strong relationship. We can see through the parallel editing that they lead very different teenage lives, showing binary opposite characters. She is coming home; rebelling against house rules and he has been in his own bed. This conforms to Levi Strauss' idea that all narratives have opposites. The two narrative threads come together as she reaches the window and the cut aways show that she relies on him to cover up for her.

Sound Paragraph, my one.

The ambient sound which is provided by the birds chirping and the bells ringing provide you with an atmosphere of relaxation, however, there is a contrast between the two, the bells represent a church which revolves around un-happiness where-as the birds chirping represent something more happy, this supports the idea of the protagonist being un-certain of where he belongs and confusion within his sexuality, this conforms with the stereotype of teenagers being un-sure of themselves.
The magnified sound of the high heels emphasises the fact that the teenage girl who is wearing them wants to be older, the heels represent a more mature female would wear and it is clear that she is trying to emulate what a older person would be like, this conforms with the stereotype of teenagers wanting to be older, they want to be more mature.

Sound Paragraph Example

The dialogue between the father and the son shows a reversal in audeince expectations. We see the father shouting and swearing at the teenager, which is normally something we would expect to hear from the teenager. The father's aggressive reaction to the diegetic rock music plays to the stereotype that teenagers play loud music and are inconsiderate to older people. His reaction also plays to the stereotype that teenagers frustrate their parents.

Thursday 1 December 2011

Camera Angles and Movement, my paragraph.

The camera angles and movement in skins play a big part in the imaging of teenagers in today’s society, the tracking shot coming out of the drive, revealing a long shot of a girl walking suggest that teenagers such as herself are conscious of their image, it gives the audience an insight into her mind and this suggests that she believes that people are watching her as she is walking home, this is conforming with the stereotype that teenagers are conscious of their body image, the following shot of Effy looking up to the protagonist who we believe to be her brother, is a low angle shot, this shows that he is in the power seat, it suggests that teenage girls are very much reliant on their brothers, this conforms with the stereotypical view of teenage girls, the following high angle shot re-enforces the idea of the protagonist having the power.

Camera Angles Paragraph Example

The idea that teenagers are curious about sex is reinforced through the over the sholder shot used when he is looking at the older woman getting dressed through the window over the road. The shot is hand held so that the audience can have the same experience as the teenage main character. The following close up shot shows a lack of expression suggesting that this is routine and he has become disaffected by the image. This conforms to the stereotype that teenagers' lives are surrounded by sex and it plays a big part of their life.

My Mise-En-Scene paragraph

The Mise-En-Scene in skins at the point when you see the protagonists room is challenging the stereotypical views of teenage life, this is due to the fact that everything is very neat and tidy, it suggests that he is different to other teenagers in the fact that he is organised, however it conforms with it in the fact that most teenagers wish to be seen as an older person, and try to be more mature. The positioning of the shirts I the draw when he opens it suggests that this is very routine. The facial expressions of the protagonist during the routine of putting on his shirt suggest that body image is important to the teenage life and this is conforming with the stereotypical view on teenagers, that body image is important. However, the view of his whom we see as his sister contrasts him in the way that she is not organised, the clothes which she is wearing are very revealing and this conforms with the view on teenagers, scruffy and doesn’t care.

Mise-En-Scene Paragraph example

The mise en scene of the protagonists bedroom challenges and conforms to stereotypical views about youth culture. The establishing shot suggests that the series targets a teenage audience and it will follow the life and experiences of a teenager. The duvet cover shown is of a double bed with a naked man and woman, suggesting that this age group is sexually charged. The protagonist is positioned in the middle of the two bodies suggesting that he is sexually inexperienced. It could also be suggesting that he is alone and confused about his sexuality, which conforms to teenage sterotypes.In this shot natural lighting is used to give a sense of realism so the teenage audience identifies with the life of the protagonist.